Saturday, January 28th
9:00am to Noon (Bangkok Time: GMT+7)
Cost: 100 USD
Registration Closed – Workshop Full
It’s been a while since teachers have had to worry about Paper 2, and we know this assessment is on everyone’s mind. Don’t worry! We are long-time Paper 2 Examiners and have lots to share. This 3-hour comprehensive training will help teachers guide their learners to success on this challenging task.
Prior to attending this session, we’ll ask teachers to read two short stories. During the workshop, we’ll work with these two texts and model the teaching strategies and skills students need to master Paper 2. We’ll review a sample paper for the two stories, score it, and discuss further implications for teaching. Then we’ll discuss the approaches to teaching and learning that help students confidently prepare for the big day.
As always, participants will leave loaded with graphic organizers, templates, and classroom activities that can be applied NOW to your teaching. This will include completed organizers for our short stories as well as blank graphic organizers for you to use with your students and their chosen Paper 2 texts.
We hate when we leave a workshop empty-handed, and we’re committed to making sure you get everything you need to succeed. Like always, the session will be recorded on Zoom for those of you in tricky time zones.
Please join us…we’ll stay on Zoom until the last question is answered!
See you soon,
Andrew and Dave